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Privacy Policy


We are committed to protecting your privacy. Our privacy policy is setup to help you understand the terms and conditions surrounding the collection and use of information we collect about our website visitors. Please read the entire privacy policy below and contact us if you have any questions.


Information Collected

InvestigateOnline.Net does not collect any personally identifiable information about individuals, except when such information is voluntarily submitted by the user.

As common with many other websites, InvestigateOnline.Net automatically logs certain non-personally identifiable information about visits to our websites. This information is used for system administration and for producing usage statistics. We do collect email addresses from individuals that wish to take advantage of special promotional offers, but we do not sell, rent or disclose collected email addresses to third parties.

Electronic Newsletters and Site Notification

As a value added service, we sometimes offer free, electronic newsletters and website update notifications to our double opt-in subscribers. In these circumstances, InvestigateOnline.Net gathers the name, email addresses, phone number and physical address from users who voluntarily subscribe for these services. The data collected is used for newsletter and website notification purposes only. Our double opt-in subscribers have the ability to remove themselves from our mailings at anytime just by clicking a link in our e-mails. Our double opt-in subscribers are managed by


As you browse InvestigateOnline.Net, we place “cookies” on your hard drive to show how you found our site (i.e. the search engine used to find us and the keyword you searched). We also use cookies when you press the buy button to collect aggregate data for analysis. We do not use cookies to track single-user data.

Opt-Out Policy

InvestigateOnline.Net gives users options to opt out wherever practical; such choices include:

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Unsubscribe Policy

Users may unsubscribe from any of our electronic newsletters or website notifications at any time by following the instructions contained at the end of each email.

The Use of Information Collected

Collecting the information described above enables us to customize our content to our website visitors. All personally identifiable information provided to InvestigateOnline.Net is maintained by and accessible only to InvestigateOnline.Net, unless stated otherwise in this privacy policy.

Third Party Partners

InvestigateOnline.Net has teamed up with reputable third party vendors and software manufacturers in order to provide certain services to online users. When leaving the website to view one of the partner websites, you should review the privacy statements of those websites as InvestigateOnline.Net cannot guarantee the privacy of users while visiting affiliate sites.

Policy Changes

Occasional changes may be made to our privacy policy. Visitors to InvestigateOnline.Net, or its network of related sites, are encouraged to check this document periodically to stay informed of current privacy guidelines.

Acceptance of Terms

By using the InvestigateOnline.Net website, you signify your acceptance of this website privacy policy. If you do not agree to this policy, please do not use our sites. Your continued use of any this website following the posting of changes to these terms will indicate your acceptance of those changes.

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